Sunday, October 16, 2011


My days here, since i arrived at my home-town, are amazingly sunny. No, we are no englishmen here but the topic of this extraordinary autumn is worth mentioning: it's the best beginning of autumm people remember and swimming in this hazardous ocean in october is truly extraordinary!

Two sunny activities make me feel like a virgin: learning to make cookies, bread and some pastry wonders - for the time being, faaaaar away from being wonders, anyway i've been more of a baking assistant and it's high time i change this role.
Baking implies patience, will and performing an-almost-sexual-intercourse with that magic, growing, lively being: Dough.
Mr. Dough Sánchez, Mr. Dough Wilson ... it's definitely a he and at times a punk, at times a gentleman, at times a teenage drama. I proudly show you my first cookies in the pic attached: butter stars with plums' jam. Something tells me some stars up there wink a eye on me all the time.

The second virginal task is biking around places both familiar and foreign: 20 years of absence make a difference in cities' lanscapes, in roads and intersections, in slopes, hills and sightseeings. I'm 20 years older than that girl who would weekly ride a green GAC with no gears, and, to men's astonishment, at quite an impressive level. However, sights have not changed substantially, except for the better equipments of the fellow bikers ... i was the only girl on pedals then and i'm
the only woman on pedals now. I cannot say i dislike this, somehow i feel unique, as if performing, deep-breathing, heart-beating, sweating and panting with all the female cyclists worldwide.

1 comment:

  1. The cookies look delicious and those legs...whose are those wonderful legs? I see that you are adapting well, if the cooks are tellig the truth.
    Here the temperatures are astonishingly high. On Saturday we went swimming in the sea. I think I had never done that in mid October.

    Lots of deep hugs to my three little women.

